Our Adventure in Pennsylvania Continues - The Zhan Crew

Aug 29, 2017

Our Adventure in Pennsylvania Continues

Our Adventure in Pennsylvania 

Last weekend, we packed our clothes, sleeping bag, and cooking utensils for another amazing adventure in Pennsylvania. There is so much to see in Pennsylvania. On Friday night, we headed to Worlds End State Park to camp in our F150. We parked right beside the Loyalsock Creek. It was very dark out there and I was so terrified that wolves would suddenly appear to attack us. Well, I saw some rodents, interesting insects, and deer all around the Worlds End region.

Tips and tricks to camp inside your vehicle:
  1. Need privacy? We bought a piece of fabric from Walmart that is thick and wide enough to cover up all the windows of our vehicle, except the windshield. 
    • The windshield can be covered by the windshield shade. You can then cut the fabric into four pieces based on the size of your windows. 
    • Then open up each window slightly, put each fabric into the slight opening, and close each window. 
  2. As for our truck F150, it is wide enough to fit a sleeping mat in the back seat area. Make sure all your back seats are up and push the front seats as far as possible to the front so that you can have more space in the back. 
  3. Get a sleeping bag and tah tah! That is how we camp! 

Since we were so productive, we drove to Hamburg, PA. On the way, we passed by several interesting places such as Minersville, PA where houses are built so close to each other and residents have to park on the street. Hamburg is my favorite destination because it has my favorite store, Cabela's. I love the footwears at Cabela's. They are so cozy, and that is why I call it Coze-mart! The good thing in Pennsylvania is that there is no tax for shoes! 

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